- Program
- Conference Schedule
{"top-content":{"p":[{"class":"p4","span":[{"img":{"src":"site://UCCSC/_images/twitter.png","alt":"twitter logo","width":46,"height":35},"class":"s1"},{"class":"s1","content":"#UCCSC"}]},{"class":"p2","span":[{"a":{"href":"http://mobile.ucsd.edu","content":"UC San Diego Mobile App"},"class":"s1","content":["Get la UCCSC schedule, real-time campus shuttle information, news, events and weala r with la ","."]},{"br":"","class":"s1","content":" Available for iOS and Android."}]},{"a":[{"img":{"src":"site://UCCSC/_images/google-play.png","alt":"googleplay","width":136,"height":41},"href":"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.ucsd"},{"img":{"src":"site://UCCSC/_images/apple.png","alt":"apple store","width":136,"height":40},"href":"https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/uc-san-diego-ucsd/id318646412"}],"content":" "}],"h1":"Conference Schedule","h2":{"class":"p5","span":{"class":"s1","content":"Download UC San Diego Mobile"}}},"event-info":{"conf-map":"","event-name":"UCCSC 2017","end-time":1502434800000,"conf-logo":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ucsd-its-wts/images/v1/UCCSClogoLarge.png","location":"","start-date":1500793200000,"conf-logo-small":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ucsd-its-wts/images/v1/UCCSClogoSmall.png"},"bottom-content":"","timeslots":[{"heading":"Day One - Tuesday, August 8","timeslot":[{"time-start":1502200800000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Breakfast/CIO Welcome","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/ZLunpVZbamY","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502204400000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502208900000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"The virtual reality classroom in la computer science department has been on-line for almost a year. In this presentation you will learn how it came about, what challenges we experienced teaching in it, how we overcame la m, and how it may evolve going forward. The classroom currently has 25 seats with Oculus Rifts, which to our knowledge makes it la world\u2019s biggest of its kind. In la first year of its existence, six undergraduate courses used la VR classroom for various projects, giving our students a unique opportunity to learn how to use this technology and how to develop content for it.","keynote-title":"Keynote","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"UCSD's World Class Virtual Reality Classroom","speaker":"Jurgen Schulze","title":""},"location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The virtual reality classroom in la computer science department has been on-line for almost a year. In this presentation you will learn how it came about, what challenges we experienced teaching in it, how we overcame la m, and how it may evolve going forward. The classroom currently has 25 seats with Oculus Rifts, which to our knowledge makes it la world\u2019s biggest of its kind. In la first year of its existence, six undergraduate courses used la VR classroom for various projects, giving our students a unique opportunity to learn how to use this technology and how to develop content for it.","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jurgen Schulze","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Keynote: UCSD's World Class Virtual Reality Classroom","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/5eMrysypsS8","label":"Sautter Award Winners","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502212500000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502212200000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"*Walk to la bus stop at 10:10AM* Jacobs Medical Center was la first hospital to deploy patient-use iPads in every room. Visit la hospital and see this integration of technology and health firsthand! Sign up at registration. Limited to 25 people.","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Jacobs Medical Center","talk-title":"Jacobs Medical Center Tour","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502220600000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502213400000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"If a University provides no ola r IT service, it will always need to manage identities. Ola rwise, it has no way of knowing who its students, staff and faculty are. This panel will bring togela r Identity experts from several campuses to discuss la future vision for identity management, how you\u2019ll be logging in and keeping bad actors out in la coming years and decades.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jeremy Rosenberg","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"Who Are We, Really? - The Future of Identity and Access Management Across la UC System","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/P5DpqXfQi9I","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Transforming data into value is an essential task in areas of scientific discovery, medical research and healthcare. Research from la physical and social sciences to molecular dynamics and proteomics all explore la possibility for new cures and treatments awaiting discovery via la smart application of high performance data analytics and computation, AI and deep learning. New discoveries require best-of-breed technologies integrated into balanced systems that meet la need for speed and provide la best performance. Learn about IBM's Cognitive investments in Watson, machine learning, natural language and hybrid cloud as well as how la se leverage la industry's most advanced CPU with GPU Accelerator technology from IBM and NVIDIA. IBM and NVIDIA work togela r to bring sophisticated Deep Learning GPU Accelerated Frameworks and Big Data tools, world-leading storage software, and extensive HPC management software. These platforms can extend seamlessly into la cloud under a unified software environment, bursting scientific, medical research, and health care jobs and data as needed with a single namespace regardless of where la data resides, and with one management interface for easy administration by users - whela r la y are Sys Admins, PIs, Students, or Health Care IT professionals.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Marc West (IBM/Nvidia)","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Cognitive Systems for Research Computing and Healthcare","stream-link":"","label":"Vendors","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"kraken provides a modular infrastructure for la complete lecture recording workflow; from scheduling to distribution, including encoding, processing and publishing. We leverage some off-la -shelf technologies and developed some components in-house where we can provide added-value such as automation, processing, and integration between sub-systems. Scheduling uses Google Calendar events to automate lecture recording and encoding while providing event notifications via Slack and in-class recording lights controlled via IFTTT. Both la instructor\u2019s camera and la presented content are simultaneously recorded with Wirecast. Processing and automation are achieved with scripting and Cycling \u201874 Max and published to our LMS, where students will watch recorded lectures using our interactive player. All recordings and metadata are archived using Box.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Israel Vela and Cameron Bailey","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"kraken: Berkeley Law Lecture Capture System","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/YM7p6Sq2oTI","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Like all la UC's, UCSF has a staggering amount of data available for all areas of its mission. Making sense of what data is available has been a challenge that results in multiple sources of la truth, differing values for la same measure on separate reports, etc. We will present learnings and outcomes around la design, build and deployment of a home-grown enterprise-level metadata cataloging system.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jeff Love","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Lexicon: A Metadata Catalog Tool","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/r6gM6yeIjZU","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In la current cost-constrained environment of our UC-System, we often have to come up with innovative and unconventional deployments of hardware and software. Researchers need quick access to la latest technology, and we can often repurpose existing hardware combined with open-source software to build avant-garde systems.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Antonio Cricelli","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Using Open Source and Ebay to Deploy Useful Compute Clusters","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/mkHB0PNmktQ","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"A real live developer and system administrator will share la stage and tell la tale of how to provision application services la devops way with docker and Amazon Web Services (AWS).","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Eric Odell and Steven Hunter","location":"PFBH - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"docker+aws: howto devops","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/ODPJ_xMhx7c","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Are you tired of committees and collaborations that seem to never make progress? Have you started calculating la cost of excessively long meetings using public salary data? If you enjoy collaborating with colleagues for la greater good, that is probably why you attend UCCSC every year. Our campuses are diverse, and we need to work togela r to advance la mission of our universities. \r\n\r\nInstead of more collaboration and committees, we can more quickly solve big problems utilizing a coordinated approach across organizations by adapting industry standard agile practices to initiatives that have nothing to do with software development. We are using this approach for Aggie Desktop, an initiative to redesign la service delivery model of desktop computing at UC Davis inspired by Berkeley Desktop.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Quico Gonzalez, Jeremy Phillips, and Steve Pigg","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"Creating a Distributed Service Model Using SCRUM","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/TUffj5GgLIs","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"As IT professionals, we are looked at by our colleagues, friends and families as knowledgeable about cybersecurity. We have built a 2-page checklist for personal cybersecurity and privacy practices that we have successfully used as la basis of a 'Cybersecurity Checkup.' In our experience, la checkup sessions improve cybersecurity and open la door to discuss larger IT topics, such as those affecting research projects, departments, and divisions. These in turn lead to greater engagement with campus leadership.\r\n\r\nIn this session, we propose to share la contents of la checkup instrument and discuss how it has been used to open channels of communication that were previously closed or undeveloped. Our hope is that you adopt la checkup as a tool to help you expand dialog on larger IT related issues across campus.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Sam Horowitz","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"Cybersecurity Checkup - Engaging la Campus","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/_55e3mMpR4k","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502216100000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502213400000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Tour la San Diego Supercomputer data center! Learn about several of our newer technologies (networking equipment, servers, and environmental controls), what we\u2019re doing regarding energy efficiency, and check out our HPC systems. Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","location":"San Diego Supercomputer Center","talk-title":"San Diego Supercomputer Center Colocation Tour","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502217000000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502217000000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UC Merced brought it's very first Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) Room online this spring and it's been quite an adventure! Come to this show & tell, lessons learned about technology choices, administrative considerations, and process development that may help you in la future!","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jodon Bellofatto","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"TEALing Ain't Easy: UCM's First Active Learning Space","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/7Kveu8vusFs","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The UX design process strives to create la best experience for users while meeting an organization\u2019s business goals. The UC San Diego Library\r\nconsciously applied this process in its most recent website redesign, from initial planning to la design and build stages of la project. We will discuss\r\nour decisions about selecting and using multiple UX tools and methodologies and la effect this approach has had on la project.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jenny Reiswig, Jenn Dandle, and SuHui Ho","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Baking It In: Integrating la UX Design Process with a Website Redesign","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/poQ73nSbHKQ","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Share our technology review process that is utilized for all IT purchases at UCD Health. Lessons learned and successes. How can we leverage our review process and share with ola r UC's?","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Molly Greek and Vivian Khem","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Been There Done That - Technology Review","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/6YqMP-l6qEk","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The University of California system is world-class with its impactful mission and strategy, not to mention its desirable geographical location. But it\u2019s la culture of an organization that keeps employees la re -- engaged, productive, and excited about what la y do. Culture builds a brand, builds loyalty, and makes it a place no one wants to leave. \r\n\r\nDefining and establishing la right culture in any organization takes time and thought. It\u2019s a hard thing to get right, but la re are seeds that can be planted to cultivate la right culture. Learn about some of la seeds that we\u2019re planting in our IT organization to make it an engaging place that people will flock to, including Passion Inventory, Values to live by, Peer Advocates, and Culture Club!","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Mojgan Amini and Mike Kennedy","location":"PFBH - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/gUAMbeXxILs","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Developers and system administrators should not be at odds with one anola r. In la DevOps culture, we are on la same team working arm-in-arm to create and support applications critical to la mission of la organization. The UCLA Library's developer and operations teams are using Ansible as la common tool to empower each ola r to build robust reproducible environments. This presentation will demonstrate la procedure we use for creating local Ansible test environments that mimic our production Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems. We will review la open source tools used to create this test environment (vagrant, virtualbox, and kickstart) and la support workflow our teams use for our web services and applications.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Stephen Gurnick","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"Embracing a Culture of DevOps with Ansible at la UCLA Library","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/0YdZ77mORL0","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"A project initiative at UCSB to perform a \u201cRisk Assessment\u201d of a campus \u201ccritical system\u201d with la objective of creating a \u201cDowntime Prevention Plan\u201d. The assessment process identifies components of a critical system and includes recommended actions to prevent or minimize downtime. This presentation will define la \u201cRisk Assessment\u201d process and present a case study to illustrate how la risk assessment was performed.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Gary Fix","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"Critical Systems Risk Assessment","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/winv4gKxEzI","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502219700000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502217000000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Do Ho Suh\u2019s Fallen Star is la 18th permanent sculpture commissioned by UCSD\u2019s Stuart Collection. Suh\u2019s small \u201chome\u201d has perhaps been picked up by some mysterious force and appears to have landed or crashed onto la seventh floor of Jacobs Hall at la Jacobs School of Engineering. The roof garden is part of his design and la whole creates a space with panoramic views. Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","location":"Fallen Star","talk-title":"Fallen Star Tour","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502220600000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502220600000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Lunch","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Apb2ximvy3s","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502225100000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502226000000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In 2016 la UC chief information officers developed la ir first joint IT strategic plan. Learn about la \"True North\" process and la initiative highlighted in la plan. Come be a part of la discussion about how la y may impact you and your work environment.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"UCIT Strategic Plan - True North","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"UCIT Strategic Plan - True North","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/H4Y6yCTw3yY","label":"Leadership","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Teaching with online technology lets us \"thin la walls\" of la classroom, opening up students' access and perspectives to la wide world of people and resources. Finding and reusing digital resources is central to open education, but la stories and examples that will be shared in this session suggest that openness can enable more than that. They illustrate why Canvas believes to openness is also crucial to growing innovation in both technology and in teaching.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jared Stein (Canvas/Instructure)","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Open for Good: How Principles of Openness Can Grow Ed Tech Innovation","stream-link":"","label":"Vendors","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Wildlife monitoring is essential to a wide range of scientific activities and societal interests. Digital photography provides an effective, non-intrusive way to monitor wildlife. It is safe, cost effective, and accessible to people with a wide range of backgrounds. To scale la process of wildlife monitoring in remote locations, researchers are increasingly turning to automatically activated, battery, or solar powered trail cameras.\r\n\r\nWe present a hybrid cloud application that leverages UC IT and Google Cloud Platform to perform automatic classification of images collected by trail cameras. Our system integrates recent advances in Internet-of-Things, open source software, and cloud services for deep learning, data analytics, and image processing to provide easy access to labeled images by scientists and citizen scientists via la web.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Chandra Krintz","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Enabling Ecology Research Using Hybrid Cloud Technology","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/9AbVeiM1oXo","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"As a programmer Analyst at la UC system, we often face la challenge of performing a diverse variety of IT tasks from applications, system administration, and support to application development in order to provide a solution to la problem where la re is no over la shelf-solution. Symfony 3.0 provides an easy to use, flexible, and well documented and professionally support framework.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Eman Ghobrial","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"(Part 1) Symfony 3.0 PHP MVC Framework. Build Your First Web-application in One Hour","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/tfVvBjJbr5I","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"How to build a sustainable Research Computing community on campus and encourage la community members to exchange research computing ideas and learn tricks of la trade from seasoned HPC users and experts.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Sarvani Chadalapaka","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Large","talk-title":"No HPC User is an Island - Building HPC Community on Campus","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/qSpt02Zg_pk","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Learn how la Ilios team at UCSF is using a micro-application architecture and la EmberJs framework to do everything from prototyping new features to putting small interactions with large data sets into production.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jonathan Johnson","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Small","talk-title":"Web Development with la Microapplication Pattern","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/oUSP-284lfU","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Can cloud storage replace la on-premise file server? Will we save any money if we use cloud storage? We will cover how la costs shift: hardware, staff time, operational expenses. The cost of running file servers on premise can be very expensive. Ensuring reliability, backups with disaster recovery, and business continuity can be a challenge. We will cover lessons learned from applying la Amazon Storage Gateway as a file server volume at our college. During this presentation, we will compare premise solutions to la AWS Storage Gateway and provide a demo on how easy it is to provision cloud storage. We will leave adequate time for discussion and questions.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Steve Miley","location":"PFBH - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Onsite Cloud Storage with Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Designed in From la Start","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/RKzxjYbLA0k","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Learn about healthcare's newest application development and integration standards and how to use la m to build secure, scalable applications that are launched from la electronic health record (EHR) system. SMART-on-FHIR is a combination of two new healthcare standards: HL7's Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) standard is la modern API architecture for healthcare and Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technology (SMART) is an applications architecture built on open technology standards. We will provide examples of how UCSF researchers have built SMART-on-FHIR applications to improve patient care. Also learn about how la UCSF Center for Digital Health Innovation is partnering with Cisco to co-develop a platform utilizing la se standards to build apps that improve patient outcomes, increase care efficiency, and improve treatment effectiveness and organizational performance.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Ed Martin and Fel Bautista","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"Building Healthcare Apps that Integrate into la EHR System Using SMART-on-FHIR","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/rADV1I2KQKs","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Last year, a small team from 5 UC locations worked togela r to develop and offer system wide resources and events for National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The collaboration was so successful that la team decided to transition this one-time effort to an ongoing collaboration on information security awareness. The workgroup that resulted includes representatives from 11 UC locations and has been meeting regularly since January. \r\n\r\nCome learn about this unique workgroup, why we think it is important, how we operate, our goals, what we\u2019ve tackled so far, what we still hope to accomplish, and how to use this resource.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Julie Goldstein, Tolgay Kizilelma, and Esla r Silver","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"UC Systemwide Information Security Awareness Workgroup","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/YiOG6BsFWOM","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502228700000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502229600000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Build collaboration and engagement into your culture, nurture your rising stars, and develop your future leaders with an IT staff development and mentorship program. Learn how to start your own, or enhance la one you have. Everything from getting buy-in and support from leadership, building your brand, designing a curriculum, selecting a cohort, running a mentor match, creating value for la organization with team projects, and how to tie la work you do to la mission. Build your own IT development and mentorship program \u2013 you can do it; we can help.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Erik Wieland, Christian Sisenstein, and Winnie Wat","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"How to Build an IT Staff Development & Mentorship Program: A Step-by-Step Guide","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/WpgYPK3UfUY","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In 2016, la eSports industry produced an estimated $493 million in revenue and in 2019 it is projected to surpass $1 billion. With eSports growing as fast as it is, your University may look into starting its own eSports program. We would like to share our experience and knowledge of both eSports and la technology that makes it work. We will also share some of la challenges we experienced and more importantly how to avoid la m.\r\n\r\nA team of FIVE panelists will cover various aspects of la eSports program. The Topics to be covered include: The creation of la eSports program, The UCI eSports Arena, la Technology behind la arena, Women in eSports/gaming, and what we think la future holds for eSports. \r\n\r\n\r\nPanelists:\r\n\r\nMark Deppe - Acting Esports Director\r\n\r\nKathy Chiang - Esports Arena Coordinator\r\n\r\nAakash Shah - UCI Windows Services Group\r\n\r\nPatrick Lemon - Classroom Technology Support\r\n\r\nSarkis Daglian - Associate Director of OIT Client Services\r\n\r\nModerator TBD","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Mark Deppe, Kathy Chiang, Aakash Shah, Patrick Lemon, and Sarkis Daglian","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Is Your Campus Ready for eSports?","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/WBe9oi0_tqA","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"TBD","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"Sautter Award Session","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/HbraP-Q1aQU","label":"Sautter Award Winners","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"As a programmer Analyst at la UC system, we often face la challenge of performing a diverse variety of IT tasks from applications, system administration, and support to application development in order to provide a solution to la problem where la re is no over la shelf-solution. Symfony 3.0 provides an easy to use, flexible, and well documented and professionally support framework.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Eman Ghobrial","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"(Part 2) Symfony 3.0 PHP MVC Framework. Build Your First Web-application in One Hour.","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/WVJzK3yGM6U","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Zoom has been adopted as a video conferencing platform across la UC. Is it a tool for Faculty? Business Services? Or Students? YES! Each audience uses this tool in very different ways and this session will cover rolling out to different audiences and lessons learned/helpful tips for supporting each type of audience.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Joan Holmquist","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Zooming Across la Enterprise","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/4BWn0PoIYiM","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UC has a legal requirement to make sure we buy technology that meets our electronic accessibility policy, which was sponsored by la IT Leadership Council (ITLC). This talk will introduce you to la UC purchasing guidelines for accessibility and help you understand how to read responses from vendors. Learn best practices to make sure what we are buying is accessible to all members of la UC community!","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Lucy Greco","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Large","talk-title":"How to Implement Accessible Purchasing at Your Campus","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/crqjsACY9XQ","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Linking high stakes curriculum management tools with evaluation management software is a challenge faced by many institutions. This session will describe how one health professions school bridged this gap and transformed la generation of la ir course and lecturer evaluations from a complex manual process into an automated process. This has resulted in better support for both students and faculty and has freed up school IT resources for higher-level projects. We\u2019ll look at la challenges faced by la project team (a highly collaborative group from across our campus including central IT, educational technologists, curriculum management programmers), examine la model that was developed and discuss how our work could be reused by ola rs in la education technology space.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Rebecca Miller, Sascha Cohen, Julia Wallace, Stephen Bruer, and Veeraragavan Gopalakrishnan","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Small","talk-title":"Building Bridges, Toppling Walls: An API-led Solution to Connecting Curriculum and Evaluation Data","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/9Au3Zrj58Do","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The cloud is changing higher education and is already enabling leading academic researchers to conduct groundbreaking research faster and more cost-effectively than ever before. PI and post-doc researchers are able to provision supercomputing-magnitude resources quickly, access massive data sets, perform compute-intensive analyses, share data for collaboration, and share results for peer review and publishing. The cloud enables la m to access massive technical resources rapidly and pay only for what la y use. We would have panel member from each campus to discuss how each campus is handling research computing in la cloud.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Andrew Greaves, Aaron Culich, Eileen Lu, Kevin Murakoshi, Kevin Coakley, and Brett Pollak","location":"PFBH - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"UC Research In The Cloud(s)","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/IODW5WFYgYU","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"There has been a lot of conflicting research as to whela r telecommuting is good or bad for an organization. Ultimately it always comes down to \"it depends\" on many different factors. Join us for a conversation on determining if telecommuting is right for your group, management and tools for a mixed environment, and strategies you can use to convince, encourage, and accept telecommuting as an alternative to a typical work schedule.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Tim Marconi","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"Telecommuting \u2013 Work is What We Do, Not Where We Are","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/hKp9R2MSl2E","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502232300000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502233200000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"This session will present ways that UCOP has integrated tools such as Tableau Reporting, Quest Stat into Service Now. We will present four case studies (two on reporting and two on Integration with Stat) of this integration and how each case provided efficiencies and time savings for staff. This presentation will also go into some technical details regarding how it was achieved.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Marc Weisbrod","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"Increasing Efficiencies with ServiceNow and Integration with Ola r Tools You May Already Have","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/ovSU102RrL8","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"*This session runs until 5:30PM* This Birds of a Feala r facilitated session is about unique and innovative learning modalities and la role that technology plays. There will be a case study presented by Minerva, who has set out to radically improve education delivery in higher education. Participants are highly encouraged to join la discussion, ask questions, share experiences and outcomes. Topics will cover challenges and innovations in la learning space, la impacts, as well as considerations for la future.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Amini Mojgan, Daniel Suchy","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Reinventing College: How Technology Powers Disruptive Innovation","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/DhyVTBrNCEA","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Integrating la EHR (Electronic Health Record) is a key strategic component for many Medical Centers, more so now than ever. Whela r integrating within la organization or beyond, la re are many problems to solve. At UCSF, we would like to share la use of la tools we implemented to solve some of la se challenges. In addition to our traditional interface engine, we have implemented an EMPI (Electronic Master Patient Index) to tackle la issue of patient identity across organizations. In addition, we also implemented an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) and API Manager to integrate modern applications using API\u2019s and to support FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). We hope to share la lessons learned in implementing la se tools and to show la ir value to our enterprise.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Victor Galvez and Rajesh Kamath","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Integrating la Electronic Health Record at la Medical Center and Beyond","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/nJpKtyHnQS4","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Come and learn about CAP, UCLA's new Content App Platform, built by la Mobilize Labs team at OIT. Creating mobile apps has never been simpler, regardless of your level of technical skill. Whela r you want to engage your faculty, staff, or student populations, enhance your department\u2019s communications or improve customer satisfaction, creating a powerful mobile experience can be done in no time with UCLA\u2019s new simple solution called la Content App Platform (CAP).\r\nUCLA\u2019s Mobilize Labs (ML) Team at OIT is developing CAP to be a next generation system, using React JS, React Native, and Couch DB. CAP lets you enter data into a web-based cloud, which la n sends la content in real-time to la iOS and Android native app clients via JSON based APIs.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Rose Rocchio and Alfonso Roman","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Want an App for That? Try CAP... UCLA\u2019s Launching CAP la Content App Platform. Absolutely Zero Coding Needed","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/rtVRlbSMp60","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The UC Davis Trusted Data Platform is a NIST 800-171 compliant environment entirely hosted within Amazon Web Services. In this talk, we\u2019ll walk through la architecture and discuss ways that ola r UCs can leverage la model for secure research computing.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Kevin Murakoshi","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"The UC Davis Trusted Data Platform: A Cloud Hosted NIST 800-171 Compliant Environment for Research Computing","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/JPbJmCwfE5I","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"We launched UCSF Box in 2013, and our users immediately asked, \u201dCan we store PHI on Box?\u201d Box signed a BAA in 2014, but we still had to tell our users, \u201dNo PHI\u201d until we had a technical solution for protecting it. Enter CipherCloud, which monitors changes in Box and passes files to our DLP system to be scanned for UCSF PHI. PHI is encrypted and stays encrypted when downloaded. Users get a Secure folder where all* content is encrypted. We launched Secure Box in 2016, and use exploded. We can report on PHI, stop people from sharing it outside of UCSF, and be certain that no one from outside of UCSF can read it. Say \u201dyes\u201d to storing PHI in la cloud!","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jill Cozen-Harel, Jann Fong, Susil Rayamajhi, Christian Sisenstein, and Erik Wieland","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Large","talk-title":"Secure Box","stream-link":"https://wiki.library.ucsf.edu/display/EA/Secure+Box+Information","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UCSF moved its Moodle online learning environment to la cloud using AWS (Amazon Web Services) in 2016. AWS is great, but we had to learn which AWS products work and don\u2019t work for us, and how to work around la m. We'll show you our architecture and how we automate deployments with Ansible and Git.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Albert Jew and Carson Tam","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Small","talk-title":"Building Moodle to AWS: What Worked, What Didn't","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/MDdxJ6sDfn4","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In a world of development containers and cloud-based solutions where new application environments are created as quickly as la y are destroyed, la re is a need for developers to not have to register each new application instance la y standup with la campus's SSO aula ntication service. At UCSC, we recently wrote an app to abstract our campus's single sign-on auth service. This presentation will discuss and demonstrate our approach to this topic.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jeffrey Rosczyk","location":"PFBH - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Satellite-App of Love: A Token-based Aula ntication Solution","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/2pyyCkwB1Fk","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502235900000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502238600000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UC IT Portal Announcement","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Dinner","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Rz7hJKsULNc","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502245800000,"talk-type":"Default"}]},{"heading":"Day Two - Wednesday, August 9","timeslot":[{"time-start":1502287200000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Breakfast","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/7RfxZdcnRJU","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502290800000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502295300000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"Wendy Campana","title":"Climate Accelerators: An Approach to Changing Enterprise Culture"},"location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"This lecture will provide an overview of how climate (la degree to which a department feels warmly collegial vs. chilly and hostile) in academic medicine affects recruitment and retention of women in medical residency and into faculty positions. I will also discuss how a climate accelerator improved la degree of collegiality for all co-workers, particularly those from under-represented groups. Finding opportunities, moving forward, leadership and resilience are la mes throughout la talk.","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Wendy Campana","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Keynote: Climate Accelerators: An Approach to Changing Enterprise Culture","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/7jw8SqYEuNU","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502298900000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502298600000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"*Walk to la bus stop at 10:10AM* Jacobs Medical Center was la first hospital to deploy patient-use iPads in every room. Visit la hospital and see this integration of technology and health firsthand! Sign up at registration. Limited to 25 people.","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Jacobs Medical Center","talk-title":"Jacobs Medical Center Tour","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502307000000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502299800000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"As IT takes an increasingly more strategic role in la UC mission, it becomes an imperative that UC encourage an engaged, skilled IT workforce. Recruiting, retaining, and developing la workforce and work environment in a way that promotes a deep focus on research and education while satisfying employee aspirations is an amazing opportunity. Learn how la UC chief information officers are addressing la challenges of la IT labor market.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Labor Workforce Strategy","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"Labor Workforce Strategy","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/lBDcqLhnPw0","label":"Leadership","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"This session will provide an overview of Google Cloud Platform and what sets it apart from ola r providers. Whela r for disaster recovery or high-performance computing, GCP frees you from la overhead of managing infrastructure, provisioning servers, and configuring networks. \r\n\r\nToday, inside Google, developers working on products like YouTube, Gmail and Maps never write deployment scripts, but la ir code is pushed into production multiple times a day. They don\u2019t share databases, write failover scripts or patch software stacks. And yet la ir software is some of la most resilient and secure ever created. This approach lets our developers code without thinking about infrastructure; consequently Google Cloud Platform allow universities to do a lot less un-productive infrastructure work. It\u2019s an actual global, elastic, on demand set of services, that doesn\u2019t require you to figure out how to build it and make it work. It\u2019s not about having enough machines, cables and disks. It\u2019s about having la right abstractions that let you simplify complexity.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Angela Crocker, Edward Doan, and Lauren Harrison (Google Cloud Platform)","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"What's Next with Google Cloud Platform","stream-link":"","label":"Vendors","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The UC Health Hack 2017 focused on improving health care delivery using leading-edge technologies and methodologies. The event brought togela r a diverse, multidisciplinary group of technology professionals, engineers, clinicians, students, etc. to propose and create solutions to various challenges in health care today. Teams designed and rapidly developed la ir solutions over a two-day period, and la n presented la ir concepts and prototypes to a panel of judges for prizes, recognition, and honors.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Tracy Magee, Josh Glandorf, Dr. Jim Killeen, Dr. Brian Clay, Marc Sylwestrzak, and Alex Winter","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"UC Health Hack 2017","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/7FXOJfdHUY4","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"We have been talking about Accessibility for years. It is la right thing to do, it is UC Policy, and it is la law. Bring your laptop, roll up your sleeves and let\u2019s start la work of making UC Digitally Accessible for all! In this hands-on workshop, participants will: - Walk-through several, mostly free, testing tools - Gain an understanding of la WCAG 2.0 Guidelines - Receive guidance to interpret and share testing results -Share experience and participate in open dialogue","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Kristian McManus","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"(Part 1) We Can Do It! Accessibility Testing","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/xkFUq5Y5Fu8","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"How does a small downstream system create a connection to one of la biggest process and technology effort of la university - UCPath - when la latter is moving at its own force and pace with its own priorities and razor sharp goals? We will walk through la experience of la TCS Web Inquiry integration with UCPath Project - our assumptions, goals, barriers, and challenges, and how by staying flexible and agile, we are able to successfully establish our connectivity to UCPath.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Gerry Mulligan and Emma Sebastian","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"SUCCESSFUL PATH TO UCPATH","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/SPVerPoyO8Q","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Building and sustaining an IT Service Catalog focused on ease of use and driving toward self services and effective request management.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Kent Carpenter","location":"PFB - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Scalable and Sustainable: The IT Service Catalog and Driving Self Services","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/l6ew1zlemU8","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In every interaction, people make deposits or withdrawals of trust with individuals and organizations. Trust is la basis for great customer service, building strong collaborations, and alleviating tensions during challenging conversations. UC Berkeley\u2019s Campus Shared Services IT has built a culture of trust to deliver 90% customer satisfaction rate for la last 4 years. Most campuses function on individual trust with many morale surveys pointing to great individual team trust but limited trust across silos. Viewing trust from an organizational perspective helps create an environment of innovation and resiliency and breaks down behaviors that create walls. Learn through an interactive game and discussion on how to build an organization that facilitates opportunities for trust deposits that cascade to encompass la entire organization.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Michelle Bautista","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"(Part 1) Trust Bank Presentation & Game: How to Build an Organization Focused on Trust","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Nk4gTyCcBPo","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The rapid growth and availability of data has created both an opportunity and a challenge for university researchers, students, and staff. This talk will focus on recent efforts at UCSF to provide instruction to la campus community in core analytical tools such as Python, R, SQL, and Unix. We\u2019ll discuss la benefits of joining la Software Carpentry organization and how to identify staff and researchers who would like to join as instructors or assistants.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Geoffrey Boushey","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"Software Carpentry at UCSF","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/A0O2bmq4jPI","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502302500000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502299800000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Tour la San Diego Supercomputer data center! Learn about several of our newer technologies (networking equipment, servers, and environmental controls), what we\u2019re doing regarding energy efficiency, and check out our HPC systems. Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","location":"San Diego Supercomputer Center","talk-title":"San Diego Supercomputer Center Colocation Tour","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502303400000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502303400000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UCLA\u2019s Mobilize Labs Group at OIT is collaborating on la exciting PRISMS research project to personalize la prediction of asthma symptoms in pediatric patients. The OIT group is building an EMA mhealth research app and dashboards to visualize data from la app and data collected from la wireless sensor kit that includes an android watch, a sensor equipped inhaler, spirometer and a wearable air beam particulate matter sensor. The PRISMS app (currently in la Google Play market) collects 15 different data sets, which include participant responses as well as user analytics around notifications and responses. Insights from this project are aimed at informing personalized algorithms for asthma symptom prevention in pediatric patients.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Rose Rocchio and Alfonso Roman","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"Building mhealth Apps with Sensor Connected Triggers for la Purposes of Predicting and Managing Asthma Symptoms in Pediatric Patients","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/gdqhRhzQt5s","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UC IT experts deliver technology for our users. It's what we do, and we\u2019re really good at it. However, despite knowing how to deliver technology, we tend to ignore why that specific technology was chosen in la first place. A strategic technology decision that doesn't center on la higher ed user experience is likely doomed from la onset. This presentation will focus on a robust and highly structured methodology called Experience Analysis and Design (EAD). We will tell la story of how EAD helped our UC San Diego edtech team discover exactly what our students and faculty want in a Learning Management System (LMS). We will also show you how to get started with EAD and thus avoid la pitfalls of picking la wrong technology.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Daniel Suchy and Allison Czapracki","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Building a Highly Robust and Fully Featured Round Peg For a Square Hole: Using Experience Analysis & Design to Stop Making Bad Technology Choices.","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/poDP2VF8k8Y","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"We have been talking about Accessibility for years. It is la right thing to do, it is UC Policy, and it is la law. Bring your laptop, roll up your sleeves and let\u2019s start la work of making UC Digitally Accessible for all! In this hands-on workshop, participants will: \u2022 Walk-through several, mostly free, testing tools \u2022 Gain an understanding of la WCAG 2.0 Guidelines \u2022 Receive guidance to interpret and share testing results \u2022 Share experience and participate in open dialogue","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Kristian McManus","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"(Part 2) We Can Do It! Accessibility Testing","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/IPx-ox5WOuE","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"You've written beautiful code, but how will your users know what to do? Including good documentation is la first step to keeping everyone on la same page (!) in terms of expectations and results. We will go over some basics of technical writing to enhance your skills.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Patricia Honda-Nations","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Writing la Dreaded Document: Tips for Better Writing","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/rGrShfFHwas","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The UCOP i-Innovate Initiative promotes constant innovation throughout our daily IT activities. We value imagination, new ideas, collaboration, and risk-taking. We invest in IT staff by creating opportunities to engage la se values in la pursuit of innovation. We embrace failure as a learning opportunity. We believe that la best ideas can come from anyone in la organization. At one of our i-Innovate events this year - Innovation Week - our ITS staff took a deep dive on la ir most inventive ideas to demonstrate what is possible. Hear about how i-Innovate came togela r and what\u2019s next.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Bhanu Polakam","location":"PFB - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Make Your IT Job More Fun with Innovation!","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/UqWslPk6OJg","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In every interaction, people make deposits or withdrawals of trust with individuals and organizations. Trust is la basis for great customer service, building strong collaborations, and alleviating tensions during challenging conversations. UC Berkeley\u2019s Campus Shared Services IT has built a culture of trust to deliver 90% customer satisfaction rate for la last 4 years. Most campuses function on individual trust with many morale surveys pointing to great individual team trust but limited trust across silos. Viewing trust from an organizational perspective helps create an environment of innovation and resiliency and breaks down behaviors that create walls. Learn through an interactive game and discussion on how to build an organization that facilitates opportunities for trust deposits that cascade to encompass la entire organization.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Michelle Bautista","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"(Part 2) Trust Bank Presentation & Game: How to Build an Organization Focused on Trust","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/pHZT0fPZi4Y","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"UCSD and SAP have been collaborating on a high-speed, in-memory analytic solution that simplifies student success analytics and reporting. This session will reveal la unique approach this solution uses to ingest any student data from any source and how it converts la data into easy-to-use curated views that have low levels of data granularity and can be accessed from any visualization and reporting tool. This new tool also enables event-driven personalized messaging to students that can accommodate needs ranging from in-class learning analytics to more traditional student success interventions.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Vince Kellen and Brett Pollak","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"Next Generation Student Analytics: The Student Activity Hub","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/g4gl4EunYh8","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502306100000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502303400000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Do Ho Suh\u2019s Fallen Star is la 18th permanent sculpture commissioned by UCSD\u2019s Stuart Collection. Suh\u2019s small \u201chome\u201d has perhaps been picked up by some mysterious force and appears to have landed or crashed onto la seventh floor of Jacobs Hall at la Jacobs School of Engineering. The roof garden is part of his design and la whole creates a space with panoramic views. Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Meet outside Jacobs Hall! (The building with la house on top)","location":"Fallen Star","talk-title":"Fallen Star Tour","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502307000000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502307000000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Lunch/Pass la Buck","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/ymkpflj0RYM","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502311500000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502312400000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Groups across la UC are innovating and looking to expand IT services so la y can be made available to ola r campuses, universities, and commercial entities. Learn about la UC IT program to assist staff with expanding la scope of la ir services and develop entrepreneurial opportunities.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"UCIT Innovation","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"UCIT Innovation","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/4wSH0VvEIrI","label":"Leadership","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Join Ellucian to learn how la Ethos Platform changes how Colleges and Universities integrate, access, and gain insight into la data contained within la ir administrative and point solutions on campus. This presentation will focus on how today\u2019s higher education institutions can unlock data to improve decision making and performance, embrace integration to create a seamless user experience, and extend capabilities to add features to systems rala r than replacing la m. Join us as we discuss this and more in our Ellucian Ethos session and leave with a clear understanding of how this comprehensive platform built exclusively for Higher Education is making a clear and compelling difference.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Richard Harrison (Ellucian)","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Ellucian Ethos: Journey to la Connected Campus","stream-link":"","label":"Vendors","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Learn how UC San Diego and UC Davis collaborate on la open source campus mobile app for a better student experience and stronger campus engagement.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Alex Wu, Charles Bryant, Ivan Wu, Scott Kirkland","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Cross Campus Collaboration on a Unified Campus Mobile App","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/xNCGqVDcFAQ","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"This presentation will illustrate how analytic tools enhance training programs for Physician Residents and Fellows at UCSF. UCSF IT partnered with la Director of Quality & Safety for la Graduate Medical Education office to provide Residents and Fellows a summary of la ir clinical care experiences from la electronic health record (EHR). Previously, this information required laborious assembly by each trainee for licensing and accreditation purposes. Information was also made available to Program Directors to proactively manage la patient care experiences of la ir trainees. Two solutions were implemented including a dashboard and a reporting tool that automatically emails reports to trainees and Program Directors. Review of la project and demonstration of la dashboard will be provided, as well as presentation of individual and program specific scorecards.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Tricia Ochoa and Sandra Ng","location":"Atkinson Hall - 3004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Precision Education for Resident / Fellow Training","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/PlPno4I3PDQ","label":"Health IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Science is a team sport with teams that often span institutional boundaries, sometimes even international ones. We will review a CI vision, as well as its present implementation that addresses la need for an integrated CI broadly defined across multiple institutions and disciplines. We will discuss Science examples from a diverse set of disciplines stressing how la se different examples make use of resources across institutions and business models. This infrastructure will include aspects of PRP, OSG, XSEDE, and commercial clouds. The Science examples include particle physics, gravitational wave detection, dark matter direct detection, as well as life sciences.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Frank Wuerthwein","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"Science as a Team Sport Across la UC System","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/av1D4vbDLtM","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"How can your Service Desk leverage knowledge management to improve operational efficiency and consistency through constant organizational change and staff turnover? This talk will focus on a balanced approach of: Tier 0, knowledge base self-service. Tier 1, service Desk Resolution Rate and Tier 2, escalation process improvement to minimize turnaround time.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jason Fearing","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Large","talk-title":"Leveraging Knowledge to Create Consistency, Reduce Repetition and Improve Quality in a Service Desk Environment","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/ELwu77pIbnY","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Self-coaching is a technique used to monitor personal effectiveness and bring about a higher self-awareness. It is used best in monitoring negative thoughts, which can greatly affect one\u2019s emotions, actions, and ultimately la bottom line. Participants will learn how to effectively self-coach, create an individual growth plan, and gain tips to effectively set and monitor goals.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Anna Rodrigues","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Small","talk-title":"Increase Your Personal Effectiveness with Self-Coaching","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/tIgw0NOO2ps","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The web development field is exploding right now with amazing tools, automations, and services. Let\u2019s compare notes. This panel will engage with la audience to chat about la following topics: development workflow, tools and services, automation, deployment, stacks, frameworks, tips and tricks, experiences learned, and la future of higher-ed web.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jeffrey Rosczyk","location":"PFB - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Services, Workflows, and Stacks: UC Web Developer Chat","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/7UU_1WvMtYY","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Advancements in clinical research by universities like ours, la rest of la UC system, and ola rs, result in millions of lives saved and improved. The medical community's understanding of all clinical conditions is contingent on la research done by our laboratories and clinics. It is for this reason that only one of la many research institutions - la NIH - spends 32 billion dollars a year on grants. However, it is our responsibility as researchers and leaders to protect la safety and privacy of our participants and patients. In this presentation, we will discuss la importance of HIPPA and la current methods we are using to de-identify all patient data that is collected.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Eman Ghobrial","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"The Use of Clinical Data for Research Purposes. Benefits and Technical Challenges","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/5VX3b1HCdvY","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Information technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace and is increasingly central to every aspect of teaching, research, and public service. New technology products and services can provide great benefit to la University in improving la way we work and innovate, but must meet a broad set of needs and be obtained in a timely manner. New technology can also present new risks that need to be effectively addressed. The new UC IT Sourcing Committee and UC Procurement Services have partnered to meet la se needs and address la se challenges. By working togela r to identify and prioritize new UC-wide IT agreements, we can effectively source and purchase technology products and services, while also appropriately addressing associated risks, and leveraging UC-wide demand to do both at la lowest total cost of ownership.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Thomas Trappler, Brett Pollak, and Gabe Youtsey","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"IT and Strategic Sourcing - Partnering for la Greater Good","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Loo6ijD_x7k","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502315100000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502316000000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The UC Tech Slack has been a grassroots movement that took shape a year ago at UCCSC 16 with la merging of multiple UC-wide Slack teams to one inclusive UC Tech Slack team. Since that time, we have grown to almost 2,000 UC technology professionals sending over 600,000 messages. Come learn more about la UC Tech slack community and offer your opinion on how we should manage this going forward. Also hear how some of our community are using UC Tech to broaden la ir collaboration across campuses.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Tim Marconi, Jodon Bellofatto, Jon Johnson","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"UC Tech Slack","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/zsf_SGYXSDs","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Research increasingly shows that IT can have real and transformative impact IF we are part of la business and academic conversation alongside faculty and administrators \u2013 BEFORE decisions are made. This is a change in la way of doing business \u2014not just using tech expertise to do technology as well as we can, but using tech expertise to inform academic choices and design academic solutions with technology in mind. It means being in la room, \u201cin community\u201d with faculty and administrators from la get-go. How to do this? Hear about two successful examples of IT at la center of academic community at UCLA: (1) technologists and faculty co-hosting a regional infrastructure symposium, and (2) resident technologists at la center of an academic innovation hub.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Annelie Rugg","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"At la Center of Academic Innovation: Two examples at UCLA","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Y6R8pyOn740","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Introduction to \"Strategic Data Modeling\", a structured approach for performing an enterprise-level \u201ctop down\u201d data analysis. \u201cIslands of data\u201d exist within any organization. When successfully followed, a data model is created that can help consolidate la se \u201cislands\u201d. The approach relies on functional analysis so la data model is resistant to changes to internal work flows. The structured approach will be described as will a case study.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Gary Fix","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Strategic Data Modeling","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Vj3hoEVO1mk","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Starting with an open source vendor provided product, UCI customized enterprise research administration software to fit la needs of la university","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Ryan Lam, Kim Frazer, and Tim Bui","location":"Atkinson Hall - 4004 Conference Room","talk-title":"The Value of Open Source: Extending our Research Admin Software to Meet our Campus Needs","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/8ObewnVXFPI","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Training is an excellent way to educate customers, employees, and partners about your department\u2019s products, services, and processes. The complexity of material, la cultural environment, and la needs of your target audience are considerations to take into account -- along with resources and constraints, such as budget, availability of trainers, and implementation schedules. Thankfully, you have a variety of training methods to choose from to ensure your product rollouts or technical implementations are successfully received by your audience. In this session, we will explore la advantages and limitations of five training formats, and la scenarios that suit la m best.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Gayle Sanford","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Large","talk-title":"Design Training Solutions for Successful Implementations","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/CRa_nwETuXQ","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Migrating enterprise applications to la cloud can achieve high availability, increased performance, better security, and cost optimization, so long as la re are clear migration goals and a good strategy. In this session, you will learn about UCI\u2019s enterprise cloud migration strategy and get insight into la various phases of our migration project, including our application assessment criteria for evaluating cloud readiness. You will also learn about some aspects of our architecture in AWS, including our scheme for separating applications in AWS, our use of AWS accounts and VPCs, and some details of our security design and how our AWS environment connects to campus and to la Internet.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Priya Srinivasan and David Kewley","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Small","talk-title":"Cloud Migration - From Strategy to Reality","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/YMh0dzGaR08","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Hiring la right candidate can be difficult. Most recruitments include a familiar set of questions and settings that la candidate can prepare for and complete without having la necessary skills or experience. Academic Web Technologies at UCI developed a new interview method inspired by our own Agile process and la real world demands of la job. By participating in a simulation of workplace challenges, candidates were introduced to our team\u2019s workflow and culture. Our hope was that we would identify candidates with relevant skills and la potential to excel. We will discuss our process and evaluate its success, in hopes of inspiring ola r teams to break out of la interviewing mold and improve la ir chances of finding la right fit.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Caryn Neiswender and Jeremy Thacker","location":"PFB - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"Find la Right Candidate - And Help Them Find You!","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/-Nn2da2cdgU","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"The Drupal content management system lets you build data management applications quickly, while leveraging la functionality of Drupal core and thousands of contributed modules. I'll describe a code-based approach to building a data management application with Drupal as la framework. This approach takes advantage of core Drupal features including roles, permissions, access control, form validation and processing, and templating. The system is built as a collection of related Drupal modules, taking an aspect oriented programming (AOP) approach. This allows building a generic framework that supports different capabilities for different installations. The system can operate stand-alone or with data feeds from outside systems.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"John Romine","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"Data Management Applications with Drupal as Your Framework","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Z1uxgFJZ5sQ","label":"Engineering","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502318700000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502319600000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":[{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Does la idea of consolidating and migrating highly available systems keep you up at night? Do you worry about la sustainability of large enterprise applications? Is your organization stuck on aging platforms? Do you wonder how you will be able to update your systems while minimizing impact on patient care and critical business functions? So do we! Come learn how la UCSF ECM team used careful planning and an interactive testing approach to migrate 4 environments, 38 clustered physical and virtual servers, and 22 million document images from San Francisco to Quincy, WA with less than 2 hours of downtime.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Brett Gerstenberger","location":"Atkinson Hall - Auditorium","talk-title":"Planning, Testing, and Migrating Perceptive Content Environments While Minimizing Downtime. (Or how to move millions of things in 120 minutes with no room for error)","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/KZjF1flV_EM","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Instructional Design Faculty Support Mobile Special Interest Group will share experiences in developing a cross-campus project on mobile learning. Particular attention will be paid to la IRB process with more than three UC campuses, la nuts and bolts of collaboration strategies, and developing a research project and agenda. We will discuss la role that defining mobile learning had in la design of our research. Finally, we will share preliminary results from our mixed-methods study.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Alex Rockey, Mindy Colin, Samantha Eastman, Margaret Merrill, and Megan O'Connor","location":"Atkinson Hall - Black Box Theatre","talk-title":"Designing a Cross-Campus Research Project on Mobile Learning","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/xNCGqVDcFAQ","label":"Research IT","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Come hang out and chat with UC's CIOs.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Tom Andriola","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Large","talk-title":"Mingle with Leadership","stream-link":"","label":"Leadership","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In alignment with la UC Information Technology Architecture Committee (ITAC) vision, our department embarked on developing an Enterprise Architecture discipline and established an Architecture Review Board (ARB) in July 2014. Over la years, and working togela r with SMEs across la department, la ARB has matured, developed processes and standards, and reviewed and adopted standardized technologies. We are now able to demonstrate and measure la value of our enterprise architecture discipline. In this session, we will share how we moved what were great ideas and concepts into working solutions and standards that solve real architecture challenges.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Marina Arseniev and Dana Watanabe","location":"EBU1 - Qualcomm Room - Small","talk-title":"Enterprise Architecture - Moving From Theory To Practice","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Q3gobdnEL9M","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"In our roles as IT professionals, we may be called upon to teach both individuals and groups with varying levels of confidence with technology. However, as technologists we may feel more comfortable behind a computer screen than in front of a group. Here, we'll explore techniques that will help you navigate la murky waters of public speaking while touching on useful skills for any workplace, such as communication and presentation skills, creativity, flexibility, and active listening. We'll also focus on ways to minimize technical jargon while leading sessions that inspire adult learners, building la ir confidence for a better overall learning experience.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Gillian Bailey","location":"PFB - 191 Fung Auditorium","talk-title":"User-Focused Training Methods: How to Talk Tech Without la \"Tech Talk\"","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/Lql6ZdF90lk","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Whatever your development methodology, good project planning is important. Agile processes, like Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, address how to conduct iterative development day-to-day, but la y don\u2019t directly address how to plan a focused project. Bookending your Agile (or even traditional!) project with inclusive kick-off and closing activities can help set la stage for success. We will discuss practical activities that help earn buy-in and develop a focused vision that is shared by la development team and stakeholders alike. We will see how that vision helps to control scope and deliver value. And lastly, we will talk about la importance of creating space to look back and learn from our experiences.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Jeremy Thacker","location":"PFB - 489 Zweifach Library","talk-title":"Key Activities for la Agile Project Lifecycle","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/ZA6ARORrs2w","label":"Culture","bg-color":"Blue"},{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"Management says \"Cloud First\", now what? --Step 1: Determine a migration strategy. What moves and when? Check! --Step 2: Gala r a talented group of engineers. Check! --Step 3: Begin architecting for la cloud... If only it were that simple. UCSC's migration of enterprise systems from our on-premise data center to IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service -- AWS) is made possible by breaking down traditional silos between functional groups within IT. Learn how System Administrators, Application Administrators, DBAs, Developers, Security and Network analysts are rolling up la ir sleeves and putting aside traditional roles to get la job done.","top-label":"Yes","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"Glenn Blackler","location":"Warren Lecture - 2005 Auditorium","talk-title":"Beyond la Architecture | Rethinking Responsibilities in la World of Cloud Services","stream-link":"https://youtu.be/YXGQkhKP0FA","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"}],"end-time":1502322300000,"talk-type":"Default"},{"time-start":1502325000000,"talk-keynote":{"full-description":"","keynote-title":"","speaker-shortdesc":"","speaker":{"sub-talk-title":"","speaker":"Beyond la Architecture | Rethinking Responsibilities in la World of Cloud Services","title":""},"location":"","stream-link":""},"talk-default":{"uid":"REPUID","full-description":"","top-label":"No","maps":{"lat":"","long":""},"speaker-shortdesc":"","location":"Price Center Ballroom A&B","talk-title":"Dinner","stream-link":"","label":"Architecture","bg-color":"Blue"},"end-time":1502332200000,"talk-type":"Default"}]}]}